Trees, grasses, flowers, and weeds all create pollen in order to reproduce. Pollen helps fertilize plants  and  is carried from plant to plant by wind, insects, birds, and other animals. At certain times of the year, pollen is always in the air, and in some climates, this occurs nearly year-round. Pollen allergy symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose; swollen, red, and watery eyes; sneezing; and itchy eyes and nose.  Pollen counts, which predict how much pollen is in the air, can help allergy sufferers  see in advance when they may need to remain indoors. Pollen allergy treatments are also available, such as allergy shots or oral medications that are taken in advance of predicted high-pollen times.

P.S. An allergist can diagnose a pollen allergy with a skin prick test or a blood test.

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