People suffering from allergies are turning to acupuncture for alternatives to prescribed medications or to increase the effectiveness of their medications. There’s mixed research about the effectiveness of acupuncture for allergies in general, but studies show that acupuncture is more effective for allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, than it is for other types of allergies, like those to food or medications. An allergic reaction is an immune system response, so when acupuncture is used for allergies, the needles are targeted at the locations in the body that increase the flow of immune energy: the lungs, colon, stomach, and spleen. The needles are inserted at specific points that are part of the network of energy associated with immunity.

P.S. Stress is an allergy and asthma trigger for many people, and acupuncture helps relieve stress in addition to targeting specific issues like allergies. 

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