The first frost may have already arrived or the ground may be covered with snow, so shouldn’t winter be the end of annoying allergy symptoms?  Unfortunately, many of the indoor allergens that trigger allergies in the warmer months, such as pet dander, dust mites, and mold, are inside the dwelling all year.  Allergy symptoms persist in colder months because people who react to these allergens are now spending more time indoors with them.  Runny noses and itchy eyes or throats are very common during the winter months, and symptoms may persist for many weeks.  Any symptoms that interfere with normal activities or sleep patterns should be evaluated by an allergist.  Allergy medications can help control these wintertime immune system reactions.

P.S.  Do not mistake allergy symptoms for a cold.  Colds last for about a week and are usually accompanied by discolored nasal discharge, fever, chills, and body aches.

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