Your kids may try to convince you that they’re allergic to broccoli and other unwanted veggies, but these allergies can be real. While fruits and vegetables are not common allergens, you can develop an allergy to any food, especially if it’s one from a family of foods you’ve never encountered before. A child with a parent who avoids certain foods may have an allergic reaction after trying a new food at a friend’s house, for example. An allergy to broccoli or other veggies produces the same symptoms as other food allergens: hives, itching, cold-like symptoms, breathing problems, and gastrointestinal issues. Some fruits and vegetables are also associated with an itchy or tingly mouth during an allergic response.

P.S. People who are allergic to several fruits or vegetables are most likely reacting to the salicylates, a natural chemical found in some fruits, veggies, and spices.

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