Sulfites are chemicals that occur naturally in some foods and are added to others (such as dried fruits and vegetables) to preserve their color and inhibit the growth of microorganisms.      Sulfites are found in fermented foods like beer, wine, and soy sauce as well as in many canned products. While chemical sensitivity is not considered a true allergy, some people who are sensitive to sulfites can experience mild allergy-like reactions after eating foods containing them.  Sulfites in high concentrations may pose serious problems for people with severe asthma.  Sulfites emit a gas (sulphur dioxide) that can be inhaled while eating sulfited foods.  This inhaled gas is an irritant to lung tissue and can cause bronchospasm and chest tightness in asthmatics.

P.S.  The Food and Drug Administration requires foods that are sold in stores that contain more than 10 molecules of sulfites per million molecules to be labeled as containing sulfites.

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