Runny noses that occur while eating meals may not be allergy-related.  Nasal dripping without other symptoms could be “gustatory rhinitis,” a condition triggered by hot food temperatures or heavy spicing.  Hot beverages or soups can cause mucus that is already in the nasal passages to melt and be discharged through the nostrils as a clear liquid.  Spicy foods that contain chili peppers, cayenne pepper, or curry can irritate the mucous membranes in the nose, causing an allergy-like reaction.  If the nose runs when eating a specific food that is neither too hot nor too spicy, the nasal discharge could be related to an allergy.  An allergist can determine through testing whether or not symptoms are caused by an allergic reaction.

P.S.  When gustatory rhinitis is extremely bothersome, an allergist may prescribe a nasal spray to use before meals to prevent embarrassing nasal flow.


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