Allergies and asthma can be affected by one’s geographical location.  Since 75 to 85 percent of asthmatics have one or more allergies, changes in climate, vegetation, housing, and air quality in regions around the globe can increase the risk of developing allergies and asthma.  A study conducted by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) revealed another risk factor.  People who live close to the equator may have an elevated risk of developing allergies or asthma due to UV-B exposure from the sun.  Increased UV-B exposure may contribute to higher vitamin D levels in the body.  This vitamin is thought to modify the immune system and contribute to the higher risk of allergy and asthma development in equatorial areas.

P.S.  Wearing protective clothing and sunscreen can minimize the effects of UV-B exposure on the body.

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